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  • Writer's picturenjone058

Nonverbal Blog Post!

After completing the eP, I find it to look more efficient and that it is easier to read my work. In the beginning, I did not know what I was making when it came to my portfolio, but once I made a theme it became easier to identify which categories should go where. My portfolio does look professional and inviting when first entering. My favorite part of my eP is the Home Screen. It captures who I am and what I like, but without adding too much. It is subtle in that aspect and I get calming energy when viewing it. The most challenging was getting the colors to clash effectively without it being a sore sight on the eyes. I did not find doing the eP to be difficult due to the fact I enjoyed editing my page. Usually,  I do not understand technology and the editing worlds seems hard. Since doing my eP, I have learned how to edit and I have helped others create their eP. The future students should not look at the eP as an assignment, but rather a fun project. That is how I viewed it and it has been making me want to work on it more outside of school. Future students should not focus on how the teacher wants you to make it, but make it their own. Have some imagination and I highly believe any job would appreciate that than having a basic eP. In this class, I enjoyed learning about everything and nothing in specific. I absolutely loved this class, there were connections from my other classes that brought up nonverbal behaviors and communication. Which amazed me that I could apply this, so heavily in my life and share what I learned. When it came to the subject of reading facial expressions, I was intrigued. I did not know some of the simple actions that we do have a name for them. Such as intention movements and the example for that would be opening your mouth to speak. It was the little Information that caught my attention and made me pay more attentions to others facial expressions. The Popular Press Analysis was my first real research paper. I was stressed out and not sure in my ability to finish it. I did struggle with finding research about specific nonverbal communication in sports because the main ones were winning and defeat.  Which made me regret my topic, but I was not sure if I could switch it. I learned I need to ask more questions to my Professor. When it comes to the information itself I learned a lot about NVB can tell about an athlete status in a game or on the field. When realizing we say statements such as "You can tell that team has given up" indicates that we focus on their body language because we cannot hear what they are verbally saying. I learned that submissiveness and dominance were a form a nonverbal expressions and it shows a form of superiority and inferiority. Considering the field  I want to be in, which is Human Services, I would say that this class is vital. I can identify their gestures, body language, and tone of voice within my work place. I work with adults with mental disabilities and I did not realize how different NVB could be. If they are angry, they would start hitting themselves or sit quietly. Obviously, these are two different extremes, but it happens and it can be quite conflicting if you can not interpret their NVB. This class has been beneficial to my self and professional growth with grasping how to understand NVB.

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