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In this blog post, I will be critically analyzing the Semantic Differential scale and the Visually Oriented Scale for my Attitude Scale Assessment assignment in Comm 333- Persuasion. The Semantic Differential scale uses a 7- point scale based on connotative meanings of different words (Attitudes pg. 2). Opposite words are the best for this model such as desirable and undesirable. It is a 7-point scale after all, so fillers will be included that you can mark off to indicate which emotion you feel keener too. The Visually Oriented scale is most likely used in schools or after a doctor’s visit. (Attitudes pg.3) This scale may include a visual representation of different emotions and if so, it usually is a 0 to 5 rating. These two scales are beneficial in various ways when we are attempting to get feedback on other’s attitudes.

We’ll start off by discussing the Semantic Differential scale. This scale is more in depth and requires more involvement with attitude. Since this scale is based off of connotative words and the scale is based on likes and dislikes, the perspective of whoever the audience may be not as accurate. In this case, the audience can use central processing to guide their decision-making by an intrapersonal choice. The benefit of a Semantic Differential is that it is easy to understand, but we have know our audience. Can they comprehend this scale? Will they have the ability to read what is being asked? (Attitudes pg. 2)These questions are vital to why other scales exist such as the Visually Oriented scale to which we will get back too. Another benefit of this scale is that we can use this scale in is customer satisfaction surveys This scale is more directed to these types of surveys due to broader feedback that can be provided. Not all is perfect with the Semantic Differential scale as it can lead to survey bias. (Busayo.longe, 2020). Not all Semantic scales would be the same and it might not reflect that specific emotion.

Next, we have the Visually Oriented scale. This scale is more so used in social settings like restaurants, schools, an arcade, and hospitals. (Attitudes pg.3) As stated in the name it for people who cannot necessarily describe how their feeling with words. So, we use this scale to provide a way to have everyone be able to express their emotions. Instead of the visuals being portrayed 0 to 10 range it is 0 to 5. This can be helpful to teachers who is trying to calm down a student and give them time to create a different approach. Although this is a great way to come across people cannot read, we still have to think about how people may process this. According to the ELM model (Elaboration Likelihood Model) this can be considered as peripheral processing. The Visually Oriented model is not as direct as the Semantic Differential scale. The thought process is more simplified and not as much critical access of their own personal emotions. I do believe it could be a part of parallel processing, but considering the situations that these surveys are typically used, they would have to have the motivation to comply.

Overall, both Semantic Differential and Visually Oriented scale have two different purposes. The Semantic Differential scale is more in depth and better equipped to access different emotions. While the Visually Oriented scale is for people who have abstract emotions and cannot read other types of scales. The ELM has been beneficial to me since I have learned what it means. This model has given me the ability to figure out if others are using central or peripheral processing. After, analyzing these different scales I can now be more conscious of surroundings when I do a survey. To see what kind of places uses which surveys and why they do so. Which scale best suites you?

Works Cited

Busayo.longe. (2020, June 10). Semantic differential scale: Definition+ [question examples]. Formplus.,about%20the%20matter%20at%20hand.

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